Saturday 2 April 2022



The computer is a combination of Hard Ware and an Operating System.

What are the types of Operating Systems?

Types of Operating Systems are

  1. Windows
  2. Mac
  3. Linux
  4. Unix, etc.,

What is an Application?

Application is 

  1. Set of Programs
  2. Dedicated Functionality
  3. Known file extensions
  4. OS dependent (or) Platform Dependent
  5. The interface between user and OS

How many Applications we can install in an OS?

We can install 'n' number of software in an Operating System. 

What are languages and what types of languages?

It is a medium used to communicate.

Types of languages

  1. Programming language - Java
  2. Markup language - HTML, XML
  3. Query language - SQL

What is Programming Language?

Programming Language is used to write instructions and develop an application.  

What is Network?

A network is a collection of devices.

There are two types of networks

  1. Private (Intranet)
  2. Public (Internet)

How to use the Gmail application?

To use Gmail we require Network and a browser. It is a web application.

What is a Server?

The server is also a  computer. It handles multiple users.

Types  of Server OS are
1. Windows
    This software is costly.

2. Unix
    It has more Stability and is Open Source (Free of cost)
    It is preferred but not mandatory.

During testing of this, both software will fit for server. They observed this process for one year to check for the performance of both OS. Initially start with Windows OS for one year during this period windows automatically restarted itself. But when they use Unix OS performance is nice.

HP company gets 40% revenue for the products and 60% revenue from the maintenance (like extra warranty and service of the products)  

What is the maximum capacity to store data in different applications?

If we have data limited to MB then it is stored in Notepad
    notepad      kb- MB
If we have data limited to GB then it is stored in Excel
    excel          MB- GB
If we have data limited to TB then it is stored in the Database
    Database   GB- TB
If we have data limited to TB then it is stored in Big data
    Big data (Hadoop) PB 
(PB - Peta byte)

Oracle can store 12TB of data.

What are the types of architecture?

There are three types of architecture. They are
  1. Client (User uses the application)
  2. Business (Where web applications are present)
  3. Date

What are the types of Applications?

There are two types of applications
    1. Standalone 
        a. Desktop application
        b. Mobile application
        c. Smart application
        d. Smartwatch application
    2. Web applications (web application is not present in our computer and present on another computer) 

What are the successful of Web applications?



Food panda








Maintain data

Id card

What are Standalone applications and their drawbacks?

A standalone application is an application which is used by a single user. Initially when computers were introduced every application is a standalone application. 
Example: Notepad, Calculator
  • Data is not shared.
  • Data is not centralized.

What are Two tire applications and their drawbacks?

Two tire application is an application which connects the Clint application and the Database server. It is user-friendly. 
Examples: Mobile applications, ATM machine
To use this application we should update OS.
We should check manually whether it is updated or not

What is Three tire application?
Three tire applications are more generalized.

What are the types of logic layers?

Types of logic layers
   1. Presentation logic
         It is logic to present the data to the user. It is front-end logic.
         The technology used - HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Angular JS, React JS
   2. Business logic
         Business logic is a hardcore logic (or) decision-making logic. It is back-end logic.
         The technology used - Java/ spring boot, C#/ Dot Net, Node and Express, SQL

Full stack developer is both Front end and back end
The browser understands only HTML language

What is Protocol?

A protocol is a set of standard procedures and it is a medium of transportation (HTTP, HTTPS)

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